Today, I had one of those "God moments" at church...and since I (along with most others) can share some of the most random stuff that happens to us during the day, why not boast about when God - the Creator of the universe, of the world, of you and of me - reaches down and touches our lives?!?
The day didn't start off exceptional, but when I walked into the sanctuary it was like everything that the morning, this week, month, year...just everything brought in with me was forgotten and left at the door. The worship team kept leading in songs and then they put out a challenge to the congregation for those with sickness or in need of a physical healing to come up to the front.
Over the past 5 years, I've gone up for prayer countless times for the cysts in my body (starting with the 1st one found on my thyroid when I was 18) - so today, I humbled myself and went up yet again to ask God to do a miracle; HOWEVER, today wasn't like the rest of those days. There's no clear way to describe or put into words what the presence of God feels like, the closest would be an overwhelming peace and love captivating your every senses.
I began to cry feeling as near to God as I can be this side of heaven; and as I normally do when I go up for prayer for these cysts, I checked to see if I could feel the little nodule moving up and down with every swallow that I took. I pressed my 2 index fingers on the right side of my throat, 1st swallow - felt nothing. Repositioned my fingers, 2nd swallow - still felt nothing. Moved the fingers yet again a 3rd, 4th, and 5th time - STILL FELT NOTHING! Now the tears just starting gushing from my eyes. Could it be? Could it be that God actually healed me?
Parallel to those thoughts running through my mind, I kept hearing stronger - what's like that little conscious voice in your head - God speak to me, saying, "I haven't forgotten about you. I haven't forgotten about you." over and over and over again. God began to remind me of things past that He's been faithful to fulfill, and now with this it was like saying, "This is only the beginning of the things I have in store for you. I haven't forgotten about you."
I felt so incredibly special at that moment. It was the realization that the God of the universe delights Himself in me and loves me...even when I'm far from my family, friends, and everything that I grew-up with, I'm never too far out of reach to Him. I love my God, He's the best thing in this world.
This is why I share Him with the world, so they can KNOW God too.